The dream was only a catalyst for truth, wisdom, and love from within. Each download I received, gave me the missing pieces to this puzzle. I continued to search for the answers from the outside, only to find that he works from within. The journey can be tiring, yet he continues to give me rest so I can see. I can see his truth and the vision he's pushing me to obtain...well sustain really. Everything has always lived within and it's our spiritual connection that brings it to light. The dream wasn't to scare you love, but you must realize that in stillness there is power to grow and learn. So rest your worrying mind, and have faith that he is working on you each and every night.
As they say, write the vision and make it plain. I had a dream and the words E and Vue were displayed on a sign. After breaking down the origins of the text, I found E represented taking something to the higher power and Vue is French for sight or vision. Thus began the early plans for Evue Clothing and it’s mission of empowering women of color. We EVU-lve to our higher perspective by understanding our cultural values and no longer being caged by societal standards of beauty. Evue Clothing hopes our designs inspire you to live your best lives.